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Internship at the Embassy
The Embassy of Belgium in Lisbon welcomes unpaid interns for a period of up to three months as part of their academic training.
The internship consists mainly of following up and dealing with political and economic issues, as well as activities of representation. Emphasis is also placed on full integration into operation of the Embassy.
News about internships varies depending on our diplomatic calendar and our capacity to host interns. Check the eStage platform regularly for updates.
Internship offers are published on the FPS internship platform. Apply via the platform eStage
If you wish to submit your spontaneous application, you can also do so through the platform eStage
Questions about the internships? You can contact the FPS Foreign Affairs: stage@diplobel.fed.be
Questions about our embassy in Lisbon? You can contact us via lisbon@diplobel.fed.be
Work for the FPS Foreign Affairs
Our organization represents, defends and promotes the interests of Belgium and Belgians abroad. We work not only from Belgium, but also from about 120 missions around the world. This makes our organization unique and ensures that we can offer our employees many different careers and challenges.